All Sain ts’ Church, Hartf ord ‘The Chur ch by the River.’
Welcome! Welcome f rom your parish church of All Saints Hartford. Our beau tiful church building has stood for n early 1,000 year s and contin ues to be visited and enjoy ed. We gather for wor ship eve ry Sunday and we w ould be deli ghted to welcome you amongs t us. We a re pleas ed to be abl e to se rve th e co mmunit y in th e celeb ration of ba ptisms and ma rr iag es and in the co mfort and str ength of fu neral se rvic es . Social and Fundrai si ng events ar e a r egular feature of o ur lif e; the cel ebration of  our late Que en’s Platinum Jubilee, Sum mer Cr eam Te as, an entertai ning Conce rt, and a bea utiful Harvest and Flowe r Festi val in r ecent m onths. Thi s leaflet c ontai ns de tails of socia l e vents as well as se rvices at the churc h up t o and i ncludi ng th e Chri stmas pe riod. Do c o me and j oin us! Best wi shes
The Revd. Geoff B ou che r
All Saints Church, Hartf ord Chris tmas Fayr e 2022 Sa turday 19th Nove mb er
11 am - 3 pm Refr eshments available - including light lunches
All Pr oc eed s in aid of C hur ch Funds
Cakes P r e serv es Bo oks
Hand made c ards Tombol a Good as n ew
Jig saws Cr a fts Bran Tub
Ra ffle (drawn at 2.30 pm )
Saturday 3 rd December 2.00 pm Advent Concert by int ernational a cappell a group ‘Enchan ting’ Admiss ion F ree Sunday 18 t h Decembe r 4.00 pm Carol Service Doors ope n at 3.15 pm Saturday 24 th Dec ember 4. 0 0 pm Nativity Service Doors ope n at 3.15 pm 1 1 . 3 0 pm Midnight Communion Doors open at 11 .00 pm Sunday 25 th Decembe r 11.00 am Christmas Da y Communion Service
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All Sain ts’ Church, Hartf ord ‘The Chur ch by the River.’
Welcome! Welcome f rom your parish church of All Saints Hartford. Our beau tiful church building has stood for n early 1,000 year s and contin ues to be visited and enjoy ed. We gather for wor ship eve ry Sunday and we w ould be deli ghted to welcome you amongs t us. We a re pleas ed to be abl e to se rve th e co mmunit y in th e celeb ration of ba ptisms and ma rr iag es and in the co mfort and str ength of fu neral se rvic es . Social and Fundrai si ng events ar e a r egular feature of o ur lif e; the cel ebration of  our late Que en’s Platinum Jubilee, Sum mer Cr eam Te as, an entertai ning Conce rt, and a bea utiful Harvest and Flowe r Festi val in r ecent m onths. Thi s leaflet c ontai ns de tails of socia l e vents as well as se rvices at the churc h up t o and i ncludi ng th e Chri stmas pe riod. Do c o me and j oin us! Best wi shes
The Revd. Geoff B ou che r